How video games affect the brain?
How video games affect the brain?
When you play video games, your brain changes: the most important thing in the hippocampus of the brain, the better body of mind. If they are not, the risk is greater for brain development.League of Legends computer game is an event:
The game of "League of Legends" computer game is a unique event: about 100 million people playing around the world, often called "LoL", called by connoisseurs. The game, consisting largely of two groups of five players in the game. Signatures complex and win over other players require strategic thinking
The research has shown many positive effects:
The study was published in mid-November 2017 at the University of York in England in Plos One magazine. Even the players who play better in the hours in front of the screen or even if it helps, only the best informed players can not answer, said psychologist Alexander Wade:
Computer games are nowadays a common set for young people. Research on the impact of computer games is improving and generates hundreds of studies every year. Instead, they want to know how the brain and behavior affected this mass event.
Contrary to popular belief, the results often lead to computer games that promote the affected brain functions. Many games can not cure all IQ, but improve brain function.
Scientists later showed the positive effects of the game. Those who play regularly for an hour understand situations better, generate new knowledge and classify what they have learned.
The reason is the increased activity in the hippocampus, an important area of learning that can be practiced with computer games. But excessive gambling, an average of 14 hours a week, causes the so-called gray matter of the brain to suffer, reduced in some places. It is found in the frontal orbital cortex, which belongs to the frontal lobe responsible for the highest tasks. The more excessive your game is, the greater the loss.
But what does that mean? The volume of gray matter in which the cortical nerve cells are located varies considerably throughout life and depends on several factors. It is difficult to say if a change is good or bad.
One thing is for sure: if you spend a lot of time on the screen, you do not have enough time for something else. Neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier of the University of Geneva compares computer games with red wine:
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